Photo: Huge Cafits - larger than any before - pulled from Susquehanna River

A fishery survey crew from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources on August 30 pulled a 56.5-pound, 44-inch flathead catfish from a hoop net in the Susquehanna River less than a mile downriver of the Pennsylvania-Maryland state line, according to Brett Coakley, fisheries biologist with the department.

That's more than 8 pounds heavier than the largest flathead catfish recorded by an angler in Pennsylvania.

According to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, James Shabrach Jr., of Boyertown, certified a 46-pound-6-ounce flathead that he caught in 2006 in the spillway of the dam at Blue Marsh Lake in Berks County.

The flathead caught by the Maryland survey crew also is heavier than the largest record in the books maintained by the commission, which ranks angler record by the weight of the fish. That was a muskellunge weighing 54 pounds 3 ounces caught in 1924 in Conneaut Lake in Crawford County by Lewis Walker Jr., of Meadville.

While sizes like that have built a constituency among some anglers and river fishing guides for flathead catfish, the fish is an invasive species in most of Pennsylvania and a top-level predator capable of disrupting native fish population in the Susquehanna River and elsewhere.

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